
Sydney Women's Hockey League Inc


IMPORTANT: First Aid Requirements at SOP Hockey Centre

Published Fri 09 Apr 2021

The following information applies to all clubs/associations and teams participating in the SWHL Competition. It is important this information is read and also shared with your club/association committees and team officials (Coaches and Managers).

A condition of hire for pitches at SOPHC (OP and F2) is “ arranging appropriate first aid services/supplies for competitors and all other persons involved in, or associated with, the booked Activity.”

This requirement has been in place for a number of years but its compliance has not been actively monitored. Following on from some recent serious incidents this condition of hire will be strictly applied.

The expectation is that the designated first aider is qualified by way of an approved certificate and/or professional qualifications. Teams/Clubs should work toward achieving this level of first aid coverage.

This means that:

  • All SWHL teams (both Opens and Masters) are required to identify a first aider during their match and have them included on the SWHL match card (see below and attached);
  • If the designated first aider is a participant, then a second person must be identified.
  • All SWHL teams must ensure that a first aid kit is available for their team;
  • The SWHL Scoresheet has been adjusted to include space to record the name(s) of the designated first aider(s) and their contact detail(s). A mobile phone number is all that is required. (See attached)
  • SOPHC staff will monitor adherence to this requirement. The name(s) and mobile phone number of the first aider(s) will be requested by SOPHC Staff. Team officials need to make sure they are aware of who the first aider(s) are and provide the details on request.

If teams are unable to comply with this requirement, the SWHL Committee will need to investigate the cost of contracting with a First Aid provider. This will undoubtedly increase the cost of running the competition that will need to be passed onto teams. We look forward to your support in this matter.


Kind regards

Tracy Lane
Secretary SWHL on behalf of the SWHL Committee

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