SWHL General Meeting (via Zoom)
Mon 28 Jun 2021 19:30 — 20:30
ZOOM Meeting
Event information
This event has passed.
The Next SWHL General Meeting is this coming Monday 28 June 2021. The meeting is being held via a zoom and the invitation was sent out to Club delegates by Sue Briggs. Reminder that only one delegate per club/team is required for Zoom meetings. If you're unable to attend and wish someone else from your club/association/team to attend in your place please forward them the invitation and notify me. Thanks.
Please find links below for:
- April 2021 meeting minutes
- June 2021 Agenda
- June 2021 Correspondence
Please send through any apologies by Monday 4pm. Thank you and please all stay safe.
Kind regards
Tracy Lane
Secretary SWHL